Dr. Kevin Metz attained his Bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his Master’s and Doctoral degrees from the California School of Professional Psychology in San Francisco. Throughout his training and subsequent career, he has developed and sharpened skills which are of great value to professionals and organizations struggling with the challenges, both personal and professional, of today’s hyper-competitive business climate and fast-paced workplaces.
Dr. Metz has experience working with a vast array of companies, from small local businesses to his time consulting with international pharmaceutical companies. Thus, he has an understanding of the unique pressures and challenges that arise in various professional settings. He also understands the complex ways which today’s economic realities impact business (and thus personal and interpersonal) decisions. Through this work, Dr. Metz has a breadth of experience working with people balancing personal and professional forces, which can feel like a door being pushed in opposite directions.

As a teacher and practitioner of mindfulness-based practices, Dr. Metz specializes in stress management techniques that are applicable in work settings, both individually and in groups. Additionally, his work as a couples’ specialist has made him skilled in facilitating and coaching healthy and productive communication patterns in which all members of a conversation feel heard and understood.

Dr. Metz is a member of both the American Psychological Association and the North Carolina Psychological Association.


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